Waiting on Wednesday # 5

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine, where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating!

This week I'm waiting on:

Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blackman
Releases on: April 22nd, 2014      Add it on Goodreads! 

FROM GOODREADS: In 1930s Munich, danger lurks behind dark corners, and secrets are buried deep within the city. But Gretchen Müller, who grew up in the National Socialist Party under the wing of her "uncle" Dolf, has been shielded from that side of society ever since her father traded his life for Dolf's, and Gretchen is his favorite, his pet.

Uncle Dolf is none other than Adolf Hitler.

And Gretchen follows his every command.

Until she meets a fearless and handsome young Jewish reporter named Daniel Cohen. Gretchen should despise Daniel, yet she can't stop herself from listening to his story: that her father, the adored Nazi martyr, was actually murdered by an unknown comrade. She also can't  help the fierce attraction brewing between them, despite everything she's been taught to believe about Jews.

As Gretchen investigates the very people she's always considered friends, she must decide where her loyalties lie. Will she choose the safety of her former life as a Nazi darling, or will she dig up the truth-even if it could get her and Daniel killed?

From debut author Anne Blankman comes this harrowing and evocative story about an ordinary girl faced with the extraordinary decision to give up everything she's ever believed... and to trust her own heart instead.

Why I'm waiting:
I am dying to get my hands on this baby!! I just read Code Name Verity and fell in love with it. I've always been attracted to things that happened in World War II and this one sounds very promising!! I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have Adolf Hitler as an Uncle, and I'm extremely curious to find out! Plus, that cover!! 

What do you think of my choice?
What's your choice for this week's WoW?

Let me know in the comments, and leave me a link to your WoW post, so I can leave some comment love on yours!!

Also, if you followed me, I would love you forever and ever! LET ME LOVE YOU!! *cough* Sorry if that was a little creepy, but I need MORE book loving friends!! You can never have too many! That's what I always say (or type, in this case!!)

Thanks for visiting Pivot Book Reviews! :D

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  1. Oh yea! This is on my list of most anticipated books of 2014!! I can't wait to read this one! Great pick!!!
    Check out my wow ~ http://bookhangoversbb.blogspot.com/

    1. Me too! I can't wait! It sounds amazing! Thanks for stopping by, Michelle!

  2. Lovely pick! I'm lucky enough enough to have gotten an e-ARC of this so I'm excited to check it out soon! Code Name Verity totally made me cry! I feel like this one might too haha. Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WOW at Book Munchies (:

    1. Oh you lucky duck! I can't wait to hear your review!! Code Name Verity completely made me bawl too, but I loved it so much! Thanks for stopping by ;)

  3. This sounds like a really interesting book. There aren't too many YA novels that talk about Hitler. I have not read Code Name Verity yet but am probably going to start it soon. I hope it's as good as everyone says.

    1. I know! That's why I'm really excited about it. A different take on WWII. It is amazing, girl! I swear! But make sure you have some tissues handy!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. Sounds like a really interesting plot. Great pick! My WoW if you want to stop by!

  5. I've seen this one around a bit and it looks really good :) I'm not usually a historical fiction fan but this one I'll probably add to my TBR list. Great pick!

    My WoW .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

    1. I've just recently started reading a lot of historical fiction! Thanks Zareena! :)

  6. I can't say I've ever read a book like this one before but it does sound really good. I hope you love it when you finally get to read it. I'm a new follower :-D
    You can find my WoW pick here. http://moniquesmobooks.blogspot.ca/2014/02/waiting-on-wednesday-dont-look-back-by.html

  7. Woah I can't imagine having Hitler as an uncle either O.o but I love that this is a WW2 book too. I love books that deal with history and forbidden romances :) [P.S: new follower!]

    -great WoW pick Becca,
    much bloggy <3 Lisseth [My WoW]

    1. YES! Forbidden romance stories are the best! I adore them!! thanks Lisseth! :)

  8. Ooh nice! Been seeing this one around lately! Great pick!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I saw this on another list and had to add it to my TBR! The cover is stunning!

  10. Oh I've been seeing this book around and I must say that I'm really intrigued by the whole concept of it. I truly hope you'll get to read it soon. Great pick, Becca :)

  11. That cover seems familiar! But I never read the blurb...big mistake! I want to read that book NOW *grabby hands*. I still have to read Code Name Verity but it's on my list! :)
    I can't wait to hear what you have to say about this one once you read it! Followed you! :)

    Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books

    1. Haha yay! I'm glad you agree with the grabby hands! That's how I feel about this book too!! I hope you enjoy Code Name Verity! It's simply amazing!! Yay! Thank you Joana! :)

    2. Haha yay! I'm glad you agree with the grabby hands! That's how I feel about this book too!! I hope you enjoy Code Name Verity! It's simply amazing!! Yay! Thank you Joana! :)

  12. I'm dying to get this one too!
    I've always been very interested in events surrounding WWII, I've read a lot about it since school and this book sounds like it'd be just down my alley!
    Great pick, Becca!!

    1. Me too!!! I cannot wait to get this one!! Especially bc of the unique POV! And the forbidden love!! Swoon! Thanks Pili! :)

  13. Ewww! Hitler as an uncle? Poor kid!
    Seconded on the cover :D

    1. I know! How horrible, right? Thanks for stopping by Alina!

  14. I´m also looking forward to read it!.
    Thanks for visiting My WOW

  15. Ooohh, I waiting for this one too! I LOVE the cover of this! Thanks Becca for stopping by my WoW @ Addicted Readers! ;)

    1. I do too! It's just so awesome looking!! You're welcome, Alicia! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  16. I am so excited for this one. I knew it was about Hitler, but apparently one of the main characters is Ava Braun, which...AH!!

    1. WOW! Did not know that! I'm even more excited about it now!! Thanks for stopping by Blythe! :)

  17. FLAILY HANDS! I'm so excited for this one! WWII just makes for some fascinating books. Fun fact for you! It comes out two days after Hitler's birthday. :) Great pick!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

    1. Haha FLAILY HANDS!! I love that!! It does, doesn't it?! Hm I didn't know that! How interesting! Thanks for sharing that Rachel!! :) I love fun facts like that!

  18. This sounds so interesting! I hope you enjoy reading it.
    My WoW

  19. Great pick, I can't wait to read this book either, it just sounds so unique! Code name Verity is coming up for me now, heard so many good things about it, hope I'll love it as much as you!
    Thank you so much for sharing and stopping by!
    And have a great rest of the week, mine has been pretty awesome so far! :)

    1. Ah! I cannot wait to hear what you think of Code Name Verity!! I hope you love it!! You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine! Thank you!! Mine has been pretty good so far, especially with all these snow days! :)

  20. Thanks for stopping by earlier Becca, and I'm with you, I have to know what it's like to have Hitler as your Uncle. This will definitely go on my to read list.

    1. You're very welcome, Kym! Awesome! I'm glad you agree!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  21. I haven't read Code Name Verity yet but I do find WW II to be intriguing as well as sad though. I don't read too much historical fiction but might have to check these books out. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Yeah, I agree. It is so horribly sad what happened. You should definitely read Code Name Verity, though. It is simply amazing!! You're welcome! Thanks for stopping back by mine, Jennifer :)

  22. I have this for review and I can not wait to get to it! The premise just sounds so dang interesting, and that beautiful cover doesn't hurt either =P

    1. AH, you lucky duck! I'm so jelly!! It does, doesn't it?! I adore the cover too!! Thanks for stopping by, Emily! <3

  23. This book is new to me, but it sounds very interesting :)

    My WoW :)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  24. I think this is one a lot of people are going to like. Thanks for stopping by today.
    Waiting on Weds @Libby Blog

    1. I sure hope so, Ange! You're welcome! Thanks for stopping back by mine! :)

  25. I love the sound of this! And I really love that cover. I haven't read Code Name Verity yet, but I know it's going to be good, and this one looks like it might be just as good. Thanks for visiting my WOW!

    1. Yes, CDV is amazing! I hope Prisoner of Night & Fog is just as amazing!! I have extremely high hopes for it!! You're welcome, Tammy! Thanks for stopping by mine!! :)

  26. Hi, Becca!

    Oh, what an incredibly AWESOME pick!!!! I LOVE it!! I have always felt attracted to WWII events myself. Although I had a hard time reading "The Diary of Anne Frank", I still would love to read this novel. i guess it's because of the whole irony of the situation. Adolf Hitler for an uncle!! What a horrible thought......I'd also like to read it, though, because my husband happens to be named Daniel, too. And, he's also Jewish. (I was brought up Catholic myself.) When we met, I couldn't help thinking about how, if we had met in Nazi Germany, we would have had to do so in secret.....thank God, we live in a free society! Although prejudice still exists in this country, it's nothing like Nazi Germany.

    Thanks for featuring this TERRIFIC book!! I'm putting it on my Goodreads TBR at once, and on my Amazon wish list, too!!

    Also, thanks for visiting my blog, and commenting on my WOW post!! And I'm now following you with GFC and Bloglovin'!!! : )

    1. Maria! What a fabulous comment!! I loved it! I had a hard time with Anne Frank as well! I couldn't even imagine having him as an Uncle. How horrible! That's so ironic!! I'm so thankful that we live in a free society, where ya'll can be together freely, without the kind of prejudice that existed back then! It was unspeakably horrendous. I'm glad you added it to your wishlist too!! I plan on buying this one the day it comes out, or probably pre-ordering it! You're very welcome, Maria! Thank you for following, commenting, and stopping by my blog! :) I appreciate you! <33

  27. Wow this sounds so unique. I hadn't heard of it till now, but it's definitely going on my TBR! Awesome pick Becca :)
    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin.

    1. Yay! I'm glad to have introduced it to you, Elle! Thanks for following and stopping by :)

  28. What a great pick! The cover is so beautiful, and that synopsis is intriguing! Thanks so much for putting this on my radar and for stopping by. Have a beautiful week, Becca! Happy reading <3

    1. It is, isn't it? You're so very welcome! Thank you!!! I'm having a beautiful snow filled week! But I love it! Happy reading to you as well! :)

  29. Hadn't heard of this one before but wow, what a pick. Very dark and daring subject matter for a debut... i love that. Awesome pick. Thanks for checking out my WoW.

  30. I have not yet read Code Name Verity, but I am excited to read this one! I might download it from Edelweiss - I haven't decided yet. I have a ton of spring ARCs already, but I know I want to read this one. I love historical fiction, so I know I'll like this one (hopefully). I hope you read and love this one, Becca!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Read it, read it!! It's amazing! Haha the never-ending dilemma of a book lover!! Thanks Alyssa, and you're welcome! :)

  31. I'm with you. This one sounds so good and absolutely intriguing. The cover is stunning, too. Great pick!

  32. Lovely pick this week, Becca. Very interested that Hitler's in this, lol! I haven't read Code Name Verity yet. :O :(

    Aimee @ Read by the Undead

  33. I like this, I need to remember to add it to my list. Great pick!

  34. This sounds amazing! I love historical fiction novels, and this era was such a monumental time in history. I'm excited to see how the story will turn out. Great pick :)

    1. Ah, me too! It was, and I love reading about it!! Thanks Montana! :)

  35. This is sitting on my 2014 shelf on Goodreads!! I'm excited to read this book! Great pick :). And thank you for visiting my WoW!!

    1. I'm glad you're excited for it too! You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  36. Replies
    1. Haha I'm glad to have introduced it to you!! It sounds so goooood!! Thanks for stopping by Jennifer!

  37. I can't wait to read this! But I'm a bit afraid of reading it because Code Name Verity wasn't really my thing and I now hope that this one is way better and I don't want to get disappointed :D

    1. Aw, I'm sorry you didn't like CDV! Hopefully this one will be better for you! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  38. I heard lots of good things about Code Name Verity and really wanted to read it. This one looks good too.

    1. You should def read it!! I hope this one is just as good!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  39. The cover is beautiful, I haven't heard of this one before, sounds interesting, imagine Hitler for an uncle!? Poor Gretchen :(

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW.
    Happy Reading! xD

    1. I know, right? How horrible! You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  40. Oh! I absolutely loved the cover and summary! World War II is a exciting topic to read about and I have to add this one to my TBR list! >.<
    Thank you for the WoW! Such a great pick!

    1. It is one of my fav topics to read and learn about!! Glad you're adding it to your TBR!! You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by, Karen!

  41. Eye catching cover and sounds really interesting! Will be adding to my tbr! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Awesome!! You're very welcome!! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  42. I'm eagerly anticipating Prisoner of Night and Fog too! Put Hitler's niece and a Jew together and you'll get the ultimate star-crossed lovers. Moreover, I really love historical books. Great pick, Becca! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier on!

    1. I know!! Star-crossed lovers are my fav! You're very welcome Adelena!! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  43. Yes this is one of my most anticipated books of the year!

  44. oo, I've never heard of this one, it sounds so good! thanks for sharing and stopping by my WoW

    1. You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine, Emily!

  45. This book seems really great, I hope you get to read, and enjoy, it soon. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW! :)

    1. Aw, thanks Petra! I hope so too! You're very welcome! :D

  46. Wow, this looks so great! I've heard amazing things about this from some other bloggers, too, so I'll definitely be checking it out! Amazing pick :)
    Sorry my comment is late! I'm from the UK, so I didn't get it until late <3
    Have a great week, Becca :) (name twins!)

    1. Haha it's okay, my name twin! :D I don't mind late comments at all, because I love ALL comments! Haha, how cool that you live in the UK! I want to travel there so bad!! I bet it's amazing! Thanks girl! Hope you do too!! <33

  47. I haven't seen this one before. The description sounds very interesting. I will definitely have to check it out.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!!

  48. *Runs to TBR to add book immediately*


    Misty @ KindleObsessed

  49. That sounds like crazy interesting!! I love WWII and the blurb makes the book sound so unique! Thanks for stopping by my WOW :D

    1. It does, doesn't it?! You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine :)

  50. Omg I'm so excited for this too! The Adolf Hitler as an uncle part really has me intrigued. Great pick!

    Thanks for dropping by my WoW! :D

    1. Me too!! It's such a unique aspect for a WWII novel!! Thanks Kazhy! You're welcome! :)

  51. This sounds awesome! I'm adding it to my TBR now!

  52. This book sounds great and I love that cover! Great pick, Becca! Thanks for stopping by and sharing :)

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swooms

  53. I've not read Code Name Verity yet but I heard amazing things about it. So this one sure is on my list. I think I'll read them both when this one is out =)
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

    1. It is amazing!! You should definitely read it!! This one sounds really good, and I have extremely high hopes for it! You're welcome, Amie! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  54. Oh my, naming your MC Gretchen Müller is about as inventive as naming it Jane Doe. I hope your expectations of the book will be met. As a German and someone who's studied my history in great detail, I have a hard time reading such books because most of them are grotesquely superficial and full of stereotypes.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Johanna @ Challenging Reads

  55. Yes! This books sounds like it would be a very interesting read. I'm looking forward to checking it out myself! Great pick!

    1. Thanks Christy!! I'm glad you'll be checking it out! :)

  56. Sounds good, hope you get to read it soon

  57. I have this book as an e-galley and can't wait to read it! It sounds so good! Great choice! Thanks for stopping by my WOW as well.

    1. Ah, lucky! I can't wait to hear what you think, Lisa! You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  58. Awesome pick :D Hope you will love it. <3 I have it via Edelweiss; hoping to read it soon :)
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. You're very welcome, Carina! I hope so too! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  59. I'm really looking forward to this one, too!

  60. Good choice! That cover does look amazing. I also loved Code Name Verity, I finished it not too long ago and couldn't believe I waited so long to read it.

    1. I just recently finished it and Rose Under Fire. I can't believe I didn't read them sooner! I wish I would have because they were simply amazing! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  61. Hadn't heard of this one before, it sounds really intresting. Thanks for sharing!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  62. Thanks Patty! I have my fingers crossed that it will be amazing! You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  63. I haven't heard of this book but like you I love reading books set in the era around WWII, I'm definitely adding this to my TBR! Thanks for stopping by my WoW and thanks for following me on Twitter :)

    1. Awesome!! You're very welcome, Sarah!! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)

  64. Woah, Hitler as your uncle!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  65. Sweet! That looks great! Thanks for stopping by.:)

  66. Ohhhh this one looks really interesting and I'm guessing intense! Hadn't heard about it yet, great pick & thanks for sharing!

  67. This sounds really interesting! Nice pick!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW ;)

    Mikki @A Bookish Escape

  68. I am really excited for this book, too! I read The Book Thief and Between Shades of Gray last fall and ever since then I've been really interested in WWII fiction.

    1. Oooh I still need to read both of those!! I have The Book Thief on my shelf right now! Thanks for stopping by, Alex!

  69. I was debating picking this one for my WoW this week. I am excited for this one. I love historical fiction. great pick Becca! Thanks for checking out my Wow as well.

  70. This book sounds amazing! And that cover is gorgeous! I'm always so iffy with faces on covers, but this one is really nice. I love books set before, during and after WWII, so I'll definitely be adding this to my TBR. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. I am too! They can either make or break a beautiful cover in my opinion! Yay! I'm glad you like it!! Thanks for stopping by, Ebony! :)

  71. I have an advanced copy of this book on my Kindle, and I'm hoping to get to it soon. It sounds so good too!

    1. Lucky!! I'm anxious to hear what you think of it!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  72. I've heard of this book and I'm curious about it. I think I'll wait to see what other people think about before I decide whether to read or not. Great pick, though!
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Jenn @ Books and Swoons

  73. I haven't heard of this one but yes, it does sound really good. I hope you enjoy it once it's out. Cool pick!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my post earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  74. This doesn't sound like something I would normally pick up, but it does sound very interesting and different. Great pick!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. I think the forbidden romance has me excited the most! Thanks for stopping by, Teresa!

  75. I got this book from Edelweiss, and it definitely sounds like something I would read. Great pick!

  76. Great pick! I want to read this one too.

  77. Yes yes yes I cannot WAIT to read this one! Loved CNV and RUF (Elizabeth Wein's books) so I am looking forward to this one, as they seem to be the same kind of read! Plus the cover is gorgeous! ;D Thanks for sharing, Becca!

    1. YES!! I'm so glad to see the same type of excitement I have for this book!!! I agree with everything you just said Jessica!! Thanks for stopping by! :D

  78. You picked this one too! What an awesome pick, if I do say so myself ;)
    Honestly though, this just sounds so amazing. I too love WWII fiction (and ADORED Code Name Verity) so I'm definitely excited for more! Plus the perspective is going to be so interesting to see. Agh, April is so far off!
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW! Have a great week :)

    1. Haha great minds think alike! ;) I know!! I wish April could just be here already!! Thanks for stopping by mine, Jessica!! You too! :D

  79. I had my eye on this for awhile now! I am so excited to see what everyone thinks of it when it comes out! Great pick!

  80. Wow, this sounds like an amazing read. I don't really read historical fiction especially in a war setting but I've had Code Name Verity in my TBR because it has received such amazing reviews and I'm now thinking I should add this book too.

    Thanks for sharing and for dropping by My WoW post :)

    1. You should definitely read Code Name Verity soon! It's definitely worth picking up!! Glad you like the sound of this one too!! Thanks for stopping by! :D

  81. Oh I've heard of this one, it sounds pretty intriguing! Not my kind of book, though. But I hope you enjoy it :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  82. I'm not a fan of WWII books, but I have to say that this one sounds really good. I hope you love it!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  83. Ooh I haven't read any sort of YA historical fic recently so this would be a nice change! Great pick, this sounds like a brill book :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. Great! I'm glad you like the sound of it, Laura! Thanks for stopping by! :D

  84. I've already got an ARC for this one, and I love the sound of it because of Code Name Verity, too. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you read!

    Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW!

    1. Oh you lucky! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think too, Tiff! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  85. I'm not huge into historical fiction but I am curious about this one!

    1. It sounds awesome, huh? Thanks for stopping by Sara! :)

  86. This book sounds fantastic -- it's one I'm waiting on, too. I'd also recommend ROSE UNDER FIRE if you like WWII books.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog last week :)

    1. Haha yes, I already read it!!! LOL that's funny! Thanks Leeanna!! :)

  87. This looks amazing. And that cover is intense. Thank you for sharing and stopping by our WOW!


  88. Thanks for stopping by our WoW. Prisoner of Night and Fog looks really good. I love books that take place during World War II especially in Germany because my Grandma was in Berlin during that time.


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