#ArmchairBEA Day One - Literature

Monday, May 26, 2014

What do you think of when you think of literature? Classics, contemporary, genre, or something else entirely? We are leaving this one up to you to come up with and share the literature that you want to chat about the most. Feel free to share a list of your favorites, break down your favorite genre, feature your favorite authors, and be creative about all things literature in general. 

Honestly, whenever I hear the word 'Literature', I think of a class in high school, where we had to read a ton of Shakespeare that I didn't even attempt to understand. I like to think of Literature as the old timey word for books; just like I think my full name, Rebecca, sounds a little old timey! 

There is one thing that some of you may not know about me if you haven't been to my blog before, and that fact is, I'm a pusher. I push books that I really really really loved onto people. So if I find out you haven't read a certain book that I thought was amaze-balls? Yup. I will use my book pushing force on you until you do. :) So I figured I would make a list (I'll limit myself to five, because if I don't, this will get out of hand pretty quickly!) of all the books I've recently read & desperately want to push into every single person's hands! 

Of course, these are in no particular order, but they all hold a special place in my heart right now. These are books that I still think about weeks after finishing. Have you read any of them? What do you think of when you hear the word 'literature'? Can't wait to see everyone else's posts! :) 
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  1. I love what you said about being a pusher! Hey, I can think of worse things than trying to shove a great book into someone's grubby little hands. I adored Pivot Point and really need to read the sequel.

    Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

    1. Haha it really is SO true about me, though! I wish I would've known that about myself before I started my blog, because The Book Pusher sounds like such an awesome blog name! I completely agree, Lisa!! YES READ SPLIT SECOND RIGHT MEOW! It's just as amazing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

  2. Literature does have that old time feel, but I think it applies to any written or even recited artful work of words. Does that make sense? :P
    I've only read Pivot Point and loved it! I badly want to read Since You've Been Gone. I'm also thinking of getting Open Road Summer. :D

    1. Totally makes sense, Francine! I completely agree! Btw, I'm super sad that you aren't going to be blogging anymore! I don't get on Tmblr much bc it's so addicting, but I'm going to have to now to keep up with you! :) Split Second was just as amazing as Pivot Point in my opinion! YES! Both Since You've Been Gone and Open Road Summer are great books, especially ones to read in the summer! I hope you enjoy them :)

  3. I quite agree with Pivot Point, The Winner's Curse and House of Ivy and Sorrow! I have Open Road Summer on its way to me, so I hope to read it too!!

    1. YAY! I cannot wait to see what you think of Open Road Summer!!

  4. Hey pusher, keep on pushin! LOL.

    1. Keep on pushin, pushin, pushin...What does Becca do? She pushes HAHAHA

  5. Hi Becca. I can understand how you feel about the old timy thing. Don't tell anyone but my real name is Margaret Allison. I was always called Margie. I hated it because it made me feel so old to use the name Margaret.

    I found you via the ArmchairBEA event. This is my first time participating in the event. I'm a historical romance novelist from Indianapolis, Indiana.

    1. Aw I really like Margaret! That's a cute name, but I can totes relate. Every time someone calls me Rebecca, I feel like I'm getting in trouble!

  6. Pivot Point and The Winner's Curse are BRILLIANT. I approve of the book-pushing here. ;) I've yet to read Since You've Been Gone, but I've heard a lot of great things about it and can't wait to pick it up!

    1. Haha I'm glad you approve, Sam!!! YES THEY ARE SOO SOO SOOO BRILLIANT! I'm anxious to see what you think of Since You've Been Gone!!

  7. Hey - that's what we do as bloggers right? Push books we love onto other people - even people who claim they don't "read"? GASP! I haven't yet read any of these. Convince me why I need to read them!

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. Does "Because I said so work?" ;) Really, I can't give reasons off the top of my head, other than to trust me on it. I have pushed these books on so so so many of my blogging friends, and have yet had one that didn't absolutely love them. Give em a chance, Holly! I promise you won't be disappointed!!!

  8. I have PIVOT POINT on my bookshelf and haven't read it yet. SMH.

    Everyone needs a hustle. Being a book pusher is a good one.

    I already feel pushed into dusting off PIVOT POINT :-)


      *pushes some more*

      Have you dusted it off yet? ;)


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