Bookish Banter (13) - Bookmark Me

Monday, April 21, 2014
Welcome, welcome to Bookish Banter! This is a weekly blog post where I talk about bookish topics with Elizabeth of Redhead Reader and Ellen of Pottermorebooks!

This week's discussion is...

How do you bookmark?
Have a special bookmark? Do you dog-ear pages? Or perhaps, use the closest thing to you to shove between the pages?

My answer...

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved books more than life itself, and this girl had bookmarks of every shape, size, and color, which she used to mark her pages, until one day (last Christmas), her fab Secret Santa (Emily from Falling for YA) sent her a B-E-A-U-TIFUL dragonfly hook bookmark as a gift. From that day on, she was hooked on book hooks (pun intended) and hasn't used a paper bookmark since!

Here's a picture of my pretty book hook in use!! I heart it SO much!!

What about YOU?
How do you bookmark your pages?
Let me know in the comments!

As always, thanks for visiting Pivot Book Reviews! I lurve you and I hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend! 

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  1. Well, I have all sorts of bookmarks, most of them paper but sometimes I start reading a book and for some strange reason I don't have any bookmarks handy, so I use any piece of paper I might have handy! Which I will exchange for a proper bookmark the next opportunity I have to do so, of course!

    1. I used to do that too!! I have a huge box full of paper bookmarks, but mostly I just use my book hook now! :)

  2. I can't dog-ear a book. It hurts too much. I'm a collector of bookmarks, so most def. I bookmarked pages.

    1. Oh gosh, me neither. I used to do that when I was a kid, and I hang my head in shame bc of it. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I collect ALL THE BOOKMARKS TOO. One of these days, I'll make a post of my bookmark collage that I have in my office!

  3. That is a beautiful bookmark hook! I used to have many bookmarks but I never use them. I just use whatever paper is next to me. Sometimes I'm bad and dog ear it :P Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you!!! I am *in love* with it!! NOOOOO! YOU CAN'T DOGEAR BOOKS, FIFI!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :O Haha

  4. I use whatever I have laying around lol receipts, scraps of paper, whatever I can find!

    1. Haha, nice! I actually did this today, because I couldn't find my book hook! But alas, I found it eventually thank goodness! :)

  5. Bookmarks when I find them but if not then pretty much anything nearby that's flat enough. As for dog earing pages, *gasp* NOOOO MY MIND CAN'T EVEN TAKE THE EVIIIILLLL
    heh. Yeahhh, I can't fold the pages of my children, not ever...

    1. Haha YES! At least someone is with me on the dogearing of book pages! I feel your pain!!!! DYING over the "fold the pages of my children, not ever" line. OMG! This SO sounds like something I would say!!!! :)

  6. Ooh so pretty! I pretty much lose all blookmarks, so I use anything I can get my hands on - receipts, fliers that come in the mail - anything!

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Thanks Tanya! Haha it sounds like that's what everyone does! As long as it's not dogearing, I'm all for it! :)

  7. Oh I don't even know about book hooks! I have a collection of bookmarks that I have either bought myself or my mother has given me for my birthdays. There are those bookmarks that are part of marketing swag but I don't typically use those.

    1. I didn't either until Christmas. Now I can't get enough of them! I don't typically use them either!


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