Discussion: Book Blues

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Confession: I'm reading about 20 billion books at the moment, because I have an epic case of the book blues.

I cannot seem to get into anything lately. Perhaps it's a combination of getting over a break-up, getting better from the flu, a hangover after finishing ACOTAR, and binge-watching Orange is the New Black while I was sick. Oh, and the fact that I have an over-whelming amount of books that I want to read, that I've heard AMAZING things over, and that I also can't pick which to get lost in first. 

I have picked up so many books and read the first chapter. Then, I stopped. It's not that they were bad, but I just didn't care. I felt meh about the whole thing. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I want to be drunk on stories, words, characters, and swoons. I've even thrown out my reading schedule, but I feel paralyzed by the amount of book choices I have sitting in front of me.

I'm shutting books out, and I don't know what to do about it.

Life has been strange, bad, crazy, and everything in between lately for me. I absolutely hate this emotional state I've fallen into, because the one thing I want to do is disappear from the real world, and pretend to be someone else for awhile. Someone who isn't going through this funk that I am. Usually, books are my way to do that. But what happens when books aren't helping? Should I attempt a reread of a book that I absolutely adore? I'm considering that at this point, even though I'm not a re-reader ever, but then I get this overwhelming sense of anxiety, because I shouldn't be taking out time to reread something when I have *coughs way too many coughs* books on my tbr that I haven't touched since I bought/received them.

Do you ever feel this way? Is it just me? How do you get out of a reading funk? 

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  1. Awww Becca. I think you should take a break. Maybe do something else? It happened to me once and I just watched Supernatural all throughout a month. Just wait for it to come back, that craving for books. And it will come back :) sometimes you just need a break. Don't force it, dear :)

  2. At this point what I would recommend is to just give it time. I just went through something like this recently--I tired reading, re-reading, but what really got me out of my slump was just giving it time. Don't feel bad for not reading. The books will be there when you're feeling better. Go do something you want! Watch mindless TV, spend time with your adorable pups, do other hobbies you love, but just give it time, girly :)

  3. Ah I hate the book reading funk. It's so not fun! I'm there for you, friend. I know the pain. For me, sometimes it just takes a week of purposefully not even picking up a book to get over it. Sometimes it just takes rereading a favorite. or sometimes it just takes reading a book that seems to know exactly where I am in life. It just kinda depends. I'm sorry though, I wouldn't wish book blues on my worst enemy. It's like being in the pit of despair and getting 50 years of your life sucked out of you. <if you get that reference, this is just another of the many reasons why we are friends. ;)

  4. I'd recommend giving a reread a try. Worrying over your TBR won't help your mental state either, and maybe an old favourite can give you that "lost to the world" feeling you're looking for. And, if not, there is always binge-watching TV (: Good luck!

  5. I have been feeling the same way, as you know. But I've definitely let go of a lot of the pressure. I remember I don't owe anyone anything, and you don't either (not even me!!) and I think that one day, I will have tons of books to go back and read. I'm like an apocalypse planner only I'm planning for the book apocalypse.

  6. *hugs* You are going through a general funk and a reading funk, and I'd really recommend giving yourself a few good treats and not worry so much about the books you need to read... Watch some shows, play with the pups, buy yourself someone nice, get a manicure... focus on treating yourself!

  7. Yes, I know how you feel and it sucks. Maybe take a little break from reading or try rereading one of your favorites? I'm sorry you're in a funk, but don't worry, it will pass.

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road


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